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Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-related Statistics 2024

29 - 30 August 2024
Geneva Switzerland

The UNECE Expert Fora for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics have been organized annually since 2014 to serve as a platform for collaboration, sharing ideas and experience, discussing concepts and measurement issues, and identifying areas for the development of practical guidance.

The Expert Fora provide a link between producers and users of climate information and support the implementation of the CES Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics (2014) and the CES Set of Core Climate Change-related Indicators and Statistics Using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (2020). 

The 2024 UNECE Expert Forum will take place from 29 to 30 August in Geneva. Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Russian will be provided.

All countries and organizations are invited to offer contributions related to the topics proposed in the attached call for contributions in the form of in-person presentations, working papers or case studies. If your office is interested in contributing, please inform us by completing this form by 7 June, indicating the relevant session and providing a short abstract.

See also:



61187 _ INF.1 - Information note _ 390700 _ English _ 773 _ 416201 _ pdf
61187 _ INF.2 - Call for contributions _ 390926 _ English _ 773 _ 412830 _ pdf
61187 _ Template - Template for papers _ 390659 _ English _ 773 _ 411987 _ docx
61187 _ Template - Template for adaptation case studies _ 390660 _ English _ 773 _ 411988 _ docx