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Conference of European Statisticians (CES)

More than 60 countries come together at the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) to drive statistical work in the UNECE region and beyond. The Conference: 

The UNECE Statistical Division provides the Secretariat to the joint work of the CES members.

The efforts made over the years to examine and improve official statistics have developed this international statistical body into a knowledge hub which has produced around 40 guidelines, sets of recommendations and standards for worldwide use (click here to find out more about standards).

For more information on the work of CES, click here.






Key outputs

Guidelines and recommendations – by national and international statistical experts

Standards for statistical production – by the UNECE High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics

In-depth reviews – to identify gaps or duplication of international statistical work and address emerging issues

UNECE wikis and knowledge bases – wikis and knowledge bases for statistical development work

Global Assessments of national statistical systems – an in-depth analysis of countries’ capacity to produce official statistics in line with international standards

Library of Training Materials – generic training materials on a number of statistical topics


Steering Groups and Task Forces – all networks of experts working under the Conference

Leaflet on the Conference of European Statisticians (2017)

CES Members' Guidebook (2014)


UNECE Statistical Database – on-line data on the 56 UNECE member countries in Europe, Central Asia and North America in both English and Russian

Database of international statistical activities - links to official statistical organizations active in the UNECE region and to the classification of international statistical activities.


For meetings of the Conference and its Bureau, click here.

For all meetings under the Conference, click here.


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