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ECE/CEP-CES/GE.1/2023/2 -


This document is associated with the following:


Joint statement by UNECE, UNEP and OECD on the launch of the Platform for Action on the Green Recover of Ukraine.

Concept note for the Platform for Action on the Green Recover of Ukraine.

Item 3 - ECE/CTCS/2024/INF.1 -

Note by the secretariat - Introduction
This document presents an outline of key components (objective, strategy and deliverables) of the programme of work of the Trade  subprogramme subprogramme (“the subprogramme”) for 2026. These components are based on the subprogramme-related section of the ECE proposed programme budget for 2025, with modified or new elements highlighted in track changes. The Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards (“the Committee”) is invited to consider this information and provide recommendations on these components, as necessary. Those modifications and/or member States’ recommendations agreed by the Committee and included in its decisions will be reflected in the proposed
programme plan of the subprogramme for 2026. It will be prepared by the secretariat at the end of 2024 and included in the ECE proposed programme budget for 2026.

Calendar invitation to UNECE Energy Efficiency in Industry Bi-monthly open discussion forum "Enhancing Resilience and Efficiency: Circularity-by-Design" (10 October 2024, 14h00-16h00 CEST).

Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 6 (2024) -

Inception paper

Evaluation of the Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation
13 June 2024

“The Office shall evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the programmes and legislative mandates of the Organization. It shall conduct programme evaluations with the purpose of establishing analytical and critical evaluations of the implementation of programmes and legislative mandates, examining whether changes therein require review of the methods of delivery, the continued relevance of administrative procedures and whether the activities correspond to the mandates as they may be reflected in the approved budgets and the medium-term plan of the Organization;” (General Assembly Resolution 48/218 B).
Project team members include:
Nicholas Kowbel, Team Leader
Mehmet Kemal Sökeli, Team Member
Nancy Oloo, Administrative Professional
Juan Carlos S. Peña, Chief of Section


ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.11/2024/3 -

At its 2023 session, the Specialized Section agreed to initiate a review of the Standard for Ovine Meat – Carcases and Cuts, last revised in 2018. It further agreed that the work would be led by the delegation of Australia.

During the first half of 2024, the standard was reviewed by a rapporteur’s group consisting of representatives from Australia (rapporteur), Malta, Poland, Russian Federation, Serbia, Uruguay, the United States and the International Meat Research 3G Foundation (three online meetings were held).

The Specialized Section is invited to review the initial proposals for revisions to the Standard for Ovine Meat – Carcases and Cuts, and to suggest additional changes to the rapporteur’s group, which plans to submit a final proposal for revision of the standard to the 2025 session of the Specialized Section. The changes are marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.

Management Response to the Draft Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on the Evaluation of the Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation (RPTC)

From: Tatiana Molcean, Executive Secretary,  Economic Commission for Europe

Evaluation of the Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation (RPTC)

12 February 2024 
Assignment No: IED-23-007 

Function “The Office shall evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the programmes and legislative mandates of the Organization. It shall conduct programme evaluations with the purpose of establishing analytical and critical evaluations of the implementation of programmes and legislative mandates, examining whether changes therein require review of the methods of delivery, the continued relevance of administrative procedures 
and whether the activities correspond to the mandates as they may be reflected in the approved budgets and the medium-term plan of the Organization;” (General Assembly Resolution 48/218 B).

ECE/EB.AIR/154/Add.1 -