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Enhancing capacity of countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia in developing and implementing policies and strategies for sustainable housing and smart sustainable cities

The project aims to enhance the capacity of national and local authorities as well as relevant stakeholders in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia to develop and implement policies and strategies for sustainable housing and smart sustainable cities. The project, financed by the Russian Federation, will run from December 2021 to December 2024.

The project will include three self-paced e-learning courses in Russian on urban resilience and the localization of SDGs. These courses are free and can be accessed via the UNECE City Resilience Training platform.

To promote the online training courses, UNECE will organize a series of six online workshops from October 2023 to May 2024. These workshops will introduce participants to the structure and modules of the courses, present related city case studies, and provide an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the content with the course authors and trainers. The workshops will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Russian and will be hosted on Zoom.

If you're interested in participating in the online workshops, please send an email to


Webinar 1: Presenting the e-course on urban economic resilience | 26 October 2023

Webinar 2: Building urban economic resilience, сase study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan | 30 November 2023

Webinar 3: Presenting the e-courses on formalization of informal constructions in the UNECE region | 18 January 2024

Webinar 4: Formalization of informal settlements in the UNECE region | 28 March 2024

Webinar 5: Development of SDG Voluntary Local Reviews in the UNECE region | 25 April 2024

Webinar 6: Case studies of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) in cities in the UNECE region | 23 May 2024

flyer UNECE online workshops ENG
                    Flyer (English)
flyer UNECE online workshops RUS
                    Flyer (Russian)












Webinar 1 - Recording | запись


Webinar 2 - Recording | запись



Webinar 3 - Recording | запись


Webinar 4 - Recording | запись


Webinar 5 - Recording | запись


Webinar 6 - Recording | запись
