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Team of Specialists on Green Jobs in the Forest Sector

The current mandate of the ECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Green Jobs in the Forest Sector (Joint ILO/ECE/FAO Expert Network) was established by the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC) at their joint session held in Poland, in October 2017. There, the UNECE Committee and the FAO Commission have jointly adopted the Warsaw Integrated Programme of Work for 2017-2021 (WIPoW), which opened a new cycle of work and included guidelines for Teams of Specialists (ToS) on how to support the implementation of WIPoW.

The objective of the ToS work on Green Jobs in the Forest Sector is to advice and support the secretariat on the implementation of the ECE/FAO Integrated Programme of Work on issues related to employment in the forest sector such as: jobs, needed competencies, education and training in a green economy.

The procedures, the role and responsibilities of the Team of Specialist are clarified in the Guidelines and Terms of Reference (ToR), attached:

Guidelines PDF

Terms of Reference PDF

The ToS on Green Jobs in the Forest Sector as other Teams of Specialists report annually to the ECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management.

For further information on this work, please contact the Secretariat.

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