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Third Meeting of the Trees in Dry Cities Coalition

Online, via Microsoft Teams

27 June 2024 14:30 - 15:30

The Trees in Dry Cities Coalition, under the auspices of UNECE’s Trees in Cities Challenge and its Tree Policy Action Lab (Tree PAL), emphasizes the significance of urban trees and nature in dry climates.

tree in dry cities coalition logo with SDGs circle

It supports peer exchange, enhanced knowledge awareness and capacity, joint messaging and events (e.g. COP16 Riyadh), and joint action and fundraising to deliver trees in dry cities through local, national and international approaches. It seeks to support cities and inform national policy to systemically drive the sustainable management of urban trees and forests for climate and SDG solutions in dry cities.

The high-level event "Trees in dry cities: luxury or a fundamental climate and SDG solution?" organized jointly by UNECE and WGEO at COP28 in Dubai highlighted the crucial role urban trees play as integrated nature-based solutions for climate, sustainable development, biodiversity and more. with participation from cities, ministries, international organizations, development banks and others. 

A draft Action Agenda was developed based on the outcomes of the First Meeting of the Coalition, held with organizations that participating in the COP28 event, drawing upon the insights provided by Focal Points from these organizations. The Second Meeting of the Coalition served to review the draft Action Agenda and identify key priorities and actionable steps to include in an implementation plan. This plan will be presented at the Third Meeting, which invites stakeholders to join the coalition and collaborate in activities of interest.


62776 _ Agenda: Third Meeting of the Trees in Dry Cities Coalition _ 391796 _ English _ 773 _ 414783 _ pdf


63410 _ Trees in Dry Cities Coalition Third Meeting _ 392382 _ English _ 773 _ 415832 _ pdf