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Capacity Building



While all member States and regional economic integration organizations benefit from international cooperation through the Integrated Programme of Work, technical assistance is available to countries in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. This work on capacity-building aims at encouraging sustainable forest management, data collection, monitoring and analysis as well as promoting the engagement of national experts from the region in activities relevant to the region.

In focus

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UNECE and FAO supported five countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia to develop national sets of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management 

In recent years, countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia have made considerable efforts to develop national forest monitoring systems, advance sustainable forest management and to restore degraded forest landscapes.

Joint UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section has been working closely with countries in the region to support such efforts, including through developing national criteria and indicators sets and tailored methodologies for data collection.  This support was feasible due to capacity-building project “Accountability Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia”, funded through United Nations Development Account. This project was implemented during 4 years (2016-2020) and lead to strengthening regional collaboration on forest monitoring and restoration in the Caucasus and Central Asia. 

Further, through five policy briefs developed within the project, knowledge was shared also on (i) Criteria and Indicators – global policy tool for sustainable forest management; (ii) National Forest Inventory – tool for decision making (iii) Information Systems: Important Tool for Better Forest Policy and Management; (iv) Criteria and Indicators and decision making (Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting) and (v) Criteria and Indicators and Forest-related Communication.

[Press Release] [Forest Congress website