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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment



Informed decision-making requires integrated, relevant, timely and easy accessible information and its appropriate assessment. To achieve this, adequate monitoring programmes, data and information management systems, assessment and reporting routines and methods have to be in place. The UNECE Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Programme assists member States in working with environmental data and information to ensure their timely flow and adequate assessment. In this way, the Programme helps enable informed decision-making processes, both nationally and internationally, in the environmental sector.

In focus

Photo of mountain flowers in Central Asia

At the Seventh Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference (Astana, 2011) it was decided to develop a Shared Environmental Information Systems (SEIS) across the pan-European region. During the Eighth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Batumi, Georgia, in June 2016 progress in achieving the SEIS was reviewed, including a discussion of the main achievements and challenges and the way forward. At the Ninth Ministerial Conference, held in Nicosia in October 2022, Ministers heard that SEIS had been established across Europe and Central Asia. Nonetheless, work continues to strengthen the availability and use of environmental information, using the SEIS principles as a guide.


The final review of the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in Europe and Central Asia was completed in 2021 and the report launched in 2022.

The seventh pan-European environmental assessment was launched at the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference.

Recent Events

20 - 21 June

CR6 on the 7th floor of the C-building at the Vienna International Conference Centre Vienna Austria

and online
25 April

The workshop will take place on 25 April 2024 in Hotel Archabil, in Ashgabat Turkmenistan
